



social and communication institution, pilgrimage, social processes, institutionalization, intercultural communication, transformation


The phenomenon of pilgrimage was considered from the point of view of philosophy, cultural studies, history, sacred geography, religious studies, tourism, psychology, management, theology, and from the point of view of social communications and journalism it was not yet considered through the prism of social communication institutes. Therefore, within the framework of the institutes of education, religion, tourism, family, this topic is quite multifaceted and not studied. Also, the pilgrimage in art remains unstudied, which provides a powerful source for further scientific explorations in the field of the sacred genre, in particular, in the art of cinema as modern social communication. Pilgrimage during the COVID-19 pandemic and war is a sustainable phenomenon and regardless of the challenges of time pilgrims go to holy places with faith in a better life and positive changes. The multi-confessional nature of Ukraine allows us to consider pilgrimage as a phenomenon from the point of view of intercultural dialogue in the context of the development of social processes. The aim of the article is to analyze the phenomenon of pilgrimage as a component of a socio-communication institution. To consider the socio-communication institution as a type of activity with its organized system, order, system of rules, behavioral models, and a set of functions in relation to the phenomenon of pilgrimage. The realization of this goal involves solving a number of problems, such as: 1. Dissemination of socially important information concerning pilgrimage as a social and communication institution. 2. Ensuring communication between pilgrims of different faiths through the development of specialized routes, analysis of Internet sites, guides to sacred sites, specialized literature, and fiction in the relevant field. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that for the first time pilgrimage as a phenomenon is considered through the prism of a social and communication institution, and therefore requires a detailed study and consideration from a communication point of view. In conclusion, the author focuses on the study of the issue of pilgrimage from the communication point of view, proposes to combine deep historical traditions with modern trends in cultural and social development through social communications and the socio-communication institution.


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How to Cite

ПАНЧЕНКО, С. (2022). PILGRIMAGE AS A SOCIAL COMMUNICATION INSTITUTE IN THE CONTEXT OF SOCIAL PROCESSES. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Philology, (3 (5), 55-61. https://doi.org/10.32689/maup.philol.2022.3.10