Ukrainian language, lexical nomination, lexic, text, composition, compound word,basic compaunding.Abstract
The article is devoted to the consideration of complex nouns in the poetry of Stepan Budnyi. There was analyzed the semantics, creation and use of noun composites in the author’s poetic texts, was paid attention to the role of these lexical nominations in the formation of the writer’s idiostyle. The scientific novelty of the proposed study consists in the implementation of a comprehensive linguistic analysis of noun composite vocabulary in the poetry of Stepan Budnyi. Since today the writer’s idiostyle has not been sufficiently investigated, there is no thorough, comprehensive linguistic research on the author’s speech style, our work is relevant. The purpose of the article is to analyze the semantics, derivational structure and features of the functioning of complex words in the poetic works of Stepan Budnyi. In order to realize this goal, the following tasks were set: 1) to identify complex nouns in the poetry of Stepan Budnyi; 2) describe their semantics; 3) analyze the creation of composites; 4) identify and characterize their productive word-formation models; 5) trace the features of the functioning of composite vocabulary in the poetry of Stepan Budnyi. The following methods are used in the work: descriptive – for the characterization of various semantic groups of composites, systematization and generalization of results; the method of word-formation and morpheme analysis – to clarify the derivational structure of composite nouns; the method of contextual analysis – to consider the functioning of these lexical nominations in Stepan Budnyi’s poetic discourse. As a result of the analysis, it was found that in the poetry of Stepan Budnyi complex words form a frequency group and act as a bright characteristic and emotional expressive means of the writer’s image. According to semantics, complex nouns are divided into three groups: names of persons, nouns with concrete object meanings and abstract meanings. Common methods for creating them are basic compounding, word compounding, and truncation compounding. The article highlights and characterizes productive word-formation models for the creation of derivatives of compound nouns. In the poetry, composite nouns often contain an expressive and evaluative component of semantics. It has been identified a large group of individually authored complex nouns, which are characterized by novelty and aesthetic loading.
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