


attractiveness, disposition, elicitation, manipulative potential, rhetoric.


The article is devoted to the study of the rhetorical aspect of military and political vocabulary in the German news texts. The relevance of this article is due to the fact that modern discourse studies focus on the study of various types of communication, among those an important place in the German-speaking society is occupied by the online news discourse, the most common type of media discourse. The authors of the article interpret the German Internet news as texts of various formats of information messages that are disseminated through a computer communication channel. The study of military-political vocabulary in the German language news texts reproduces the perception of events in Ukraine by German news producers. It is established that the texts of online news are structured according to the scheme proposed by Dutch Professor van Dijk and are divided into a headline, an introduction, a main block of events and a final paragraph. Studying the texts of online news from a linguistic point of view allows us to reveal the rhetorical potential of the German online news. The article proves that news producers successfully use the achievements of rhetoric and rely on the rhetorical stages of text construction: invocation, disposition and elocution when creating news tests. The authors focus on the elocutionary stage, which is associated with the selection of lexical material, and on the dispositional stage, which is responsible for the arrangement of lexical items in the text of a news item. It is proved that stylistically neutral vocabulary can become military-political depending on the semantic environment in which it is located. The article emphasizes that the placement of lexical items in the initial and final positions of a sentence, a paragraph or a text has a powerful manipulative potential and realizes an attractive function. The article questions the objectivity of the news and emphasizes its subjective nature, since the producers of news texts use the achievements of ancient rhetoric, which is known to be a science not only of eloquence but also of persuasion. In this context, one way or another, the authors of news texts persuade the recipients to make decisions and conclusions that are shared by the journalists themselves.


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How to Cite

БАГАЧ, І., & ПОЛІЩУК, Н. (2023). THE RHETORICAL ASPECT OF MILITARY AND POLITICAL VOCABULARY IN GERMAN-LANGUAGE NEWS TEXTS. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Philology, (1 (6), 11-15.