


film discourse, image of couturier, multimodality, sound, implemented, visual modi.


Nowаdays, film text and film discourse are becoming a relevant field for linguistic researchеs. We interpret a film text as a semiotically complicated text that exists in the form of a film, contains general text characteristics and specific properties, is the product of a collective author and is intended for audiovisual perception by the recipients. Non-verbal means help to reveal the image of the films’ characters most successfully through the illumination of facial expressions by the camera, focusing on certain details or parts of the body of the characters, showing a closeup of the couturier’s eyes or hands, music that reveals the emotional state of the characters or foresees some events. The purpose of the article is to determine non-verbal means of reproducing the image of a couturier in modern films. To realize the goal, it is important to solve the following tasks: 1) to systematize basic definitions of the notions “film discourse” and “film text” and reveal the way they are interrelated; 2) to state the correlation between the notions “film text” and “multimodality”; 3) to determine the means of realization of the image of a couturier in the movie “Coco de Chanel”; 4) to define ways of revealing the image of the couturier in the film “House of Gucci”. The novelty is determined by the fact that non-verbal means of creating the image of a couturier are researched for the first time in the films “Coco de Chanel”, “House of Gucci”. Conclusions. Using the classification of contributory modus proposed by E.Bern, we distinguish three modi: visual (lighting and decoration of the scene), sound (exclusively music) and implemented (stage action and speech). Carrying out a multimodal analysis in the film “Coco de Chanel” the dominance of the visual modus in the realization of female image of couturier was revealed: the camera’s concentration on the facial expressions, gestures, gait of the heroine, her hands, which created her masterpieces with ease and unusual speed. Within the framework of the implemented modus, the speech of the heroine, which is full of philosophical sayings and wisdom, is indicative. Analysis of the linguistic material of the film revealed nominative units that help to realize the image of the heroine – an extraordinary person, genius, philosopher. Comparing the female image of the couturier with the male one from the film “House of Gucci”, we can characterize him with such key lexemes as: style, power, luxury, family business, money, scandal. In this film, the sound modus plays a leading role in the realization of the author’s intentions in creating the male image of the couturier.


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Список джерел ілюстративного матеріалу:

Coco avant Chanel. URL : 15. House of Gucci. URL :



How to Cite

ЗАБОЛОТСЬКА, О. (2023). REALIZATION THE IMAGE OF CОUTURІER IN MULTIMODAL ASPECT (CASE STUDY OF FILMS “COCO DE CHANEL”, “HOUSE OF GUCCI”). Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Philology, (1 (6), 23-29.