


regional mass media, problems, functions, development, society, dangerous and quarantine conditions.


Despite initially the quarantine restrictions, then the martial law in the country, the information front works. Their main goal is to convey true and relevant (currently) information to society. Every piece of news should be verified and reliable, because society is informed thanks to mass media. Each region has its own values, both historical, social and economic, which develop, interest, sponsor and use. It is difficult for most regional journalists to find news from regional mass media, as well as to update or adapt it to the present. After all, the region is not a million-strong city, where every media outlet has its supporters who watch it. At the expense of this position, the problems of the regional mass media were considered: the underdevelopment of topics in connection with conflicts of interests (at the expense of awareness, family ties), in the air space there are topics to order (in connection with the suspension of cases or the transition of business to other owners), the information space consists of messages, not exclusive topics (it depends on the region, its size, population density and development), an unbranched range of topics (due to the development of one direction), a narrow number of genre varieties (due to with a lack of information), a large number of freelancers (due to funding limitations), employee experience (impact on the quality of information delivery). The article considered the functions of regional mass media: cognitive, which provides knowledge about the surrounding activities of the region, persuasive, which is related to the resolution of social obligations and relations, motivational, which stimulates journalists and people to various forms of activity (volunteering), integration, which unites society around important issues and integrates people into society, controlling, which provides a direct audit (investigation) of social, political and economic structures, highlighting their work and transparency, socialization, which provides education on positive values and behavior, entertaining , which demonstrates society’s leisure and business component.


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How to Cite

КАЛІНА, І., & ДАНИЛІНА, О. (2023). FUNCTIONING OF REGIONAL MASS MEDIA IN DANGEROUS AND QUARANTINE CONDITIONS. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Philology, (1 (6), 64-68.