


manipulative potential, German, somatic component, news text, phraseology


The article is devoted to the analysis of the use of phraseological units related to body parts or physical condition in the news presented on the German website The authors of the article define the relevance of the problem in the context of the influence of language on the formation of the linguistic picture of the world in the texts of news reports and the identification of the peculiarities of the use of phraseological units in this genre. The purpose of the article is to study the functioning and manipulative potential of phraseological units with a somatic component in German news texts. The study is aimed at identifying the peculiarities of the use of these expressions in news discourse, as well as at determining their contribution to the formation of the linguistic image of news and The authors of the article use a comprehensive research method, which includes the analysis of the use of phraseological expressions, their interaction within the same context and their impact on the recipient's perception of information. Particular attention is paid to the role of phraseological units with a somatic component in shaping the emotional tone of the news, as well as their functional effectiveness in the context of influencing the audience. It has been found that in German-language news, most phraseological units have components that refer to the face and express actions, with a lesser number of units in the phraseological units denoting limbs, skin and internal organs, such phraseological units denoting feelings. The authors emphasize the need to understand and analyze the impact of phraseological means on the level of comprehensibility and emotional intensity of the news text for the reader. The results of the study allow us to identify the peculiarities of phraseological expression in the news, as well as to identify possible ways to improve the linguistic expressiveness and communicative effectiveness of news texts through the careful use of phraseological units with a somatic component. According to the authors, this article can be a useful contribution to understanding the influence of phraseology on the speech act and will open up new perspectives for further research in the field of linguistics and media communications.


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How to Cite

ВЕСОЛОВСЬКИЙ, О., & ПАВЛИШИНЕЦЬ, О. (2023). FUNCTIONING OF PHRASEOLOGICAL UNITS WITH SOMATIC COMPONENT IN GERMAN. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Philology, (4 (9), 5-9.