syntactic structure, Ukrainian language, English language, Crimean Tatar language, comparative analysis, structural characteristics, functional analysisAbstract
The article analyzes the syntactic structures of the Ukrainian, English and Crimean Tatar languages. This comparative study examines the unique features of each language, revealing syntactic differences and similarities. The Ukrainian language is characterized by a flexible syntactic structure, thanks to a rich system of word changes. Its strength lies in the ability to change the order of words in a sentence without losing meaning, which makes speech more expressive. The aim of the article is to identify the unique aspects of each language and to reveal the syntactic differences and similarities between them. The realization of the set goal involves solving a number of problems, such as: 1) to investigate the influence of cultural factors on the formation of syntactic structures of the Ukrainian and English languages, comparing their features; 2) analyze the evolution of syntactic constructions of the Ukrainian language at different stages of its development; to study the relationship between the syntactic structure of the language and its expressive capabilities. The scientific novelty of the study consists in the analysis of basic and derived syntactic units, such as sentences, word combinations and complex constructions. It is analyzed how these units are manifested in each language, taking into account their specificity and role in the expression of language content. Peripheral syntactic units, including analytical and analytical-search elements, are also considered. Special attention is paid to the functional and structural characteristics of each language, which helps to open new perspectives for understanding the interaction of different language systems. The study of the syntactic features of these languages contributes to a deeper understanding of their nature and the richness of the linguistic world. In the conclusions, we note that the Ukrainian language conjugates nouns, adjectives, and verbs by numbers, genders, and cases. Also, she uses conjunctions and interjections to structure sentences. English, on the other hand, has a more fixed word order, usually Subject-Verb-Object. It relies on syntactic directness to express semantic relations, which makes it more accessible to speakers of other languages. English also uses articles and tenses to express time relationships in sentences. The Crimean Tatar language, which belongs to the Turkic languages, is characterized by features such as vowel harmony and agglutination. Vowel harmony affects the vowel sounds in words and can affect the syntactic structure of sentences. Agglutination involves adding affixes to the root of a word to express grammatical meanings.
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