category of coordination, asyndetic compound sentence, semantic and syntactic variant of a sentence, semantic and syntactic interdependence, formal and grammatical interindependenceAbstract
The place of complex asyndetic constructions is one of the most problematic in Ukrainian linguistics. The purpose of the article is to analyze the formal-grammatical organization and semantics of asyndetic compound sentence, to single out the semantic and syntactic varieties of the studied constructions based on the basic principles of functional-categorical grammar. The methodology of research of compound constructions in the modern Ukrainian language was conditioned by the purpose and tasks and was based on the combination of the methods and principles of general scientific and special linguistic analysis. The analysis of the examined syntactic units was carried out from the standpoint of functional and categorical grammar. The article substantiates the inclusion of some asyndetic constructions in compound ones, taking into account the optional character of a conjunction as a formal element of the studied structures since, besides a grammatical connection, there are also semantic and communicative factors of connecting predicative parts into one structure. Based on the collected and analyzed factual material, the expansion of the substantive circle of asyndetic compound sentences was confirmed as well as the addition to them of the other semantic varieties, apart from those mentioned in the grammatical studies of constructions with the relationship of simultaneity and sequence of actions, processes and states. The temporal sentences proper, enumerative, juxtapositional contrasting, negative, causal, restrictive, adjoining sentences and constructions with the meaning of simultaneousness of actions were singled out. The role of lexical concretizing words in differentiation of the semantics of the studied structures was characterized: тому, через це (те), унаслідок (внаслідок), від цього (того), завдяки, у зв’язку з, на підставі, на основі (the semantics of consequence); тільки, лише (the semantics of restriction); зокрема, навіть, особливо, принаймні, точніше, у такому разі (the semantics of adjoining).
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