


business English, English language, political discourse, stylistic features,cyberneologism, globalization


The article introduces the concept of globalization as a phenomenon characterized by interaction between countries, which has a significant impact on various spheres of life. The influence of globalization on business English and political discourse is studied, since globalization promotes the spread of English in different parts of the world, which makes it possible to use stable expressions of business English in specific areas. At the level of political discourse, the process of globalization is manifested in the fact that political speeches perform an attractive and persuasive function to shape or adjust public opinion and implement planned political processes. This research aims to analyze the peculiarities of globalization's impact on political and business discourse based on the speeches of US Presidents George W. Bush (2001–2009) and Joe Biden (2021-present). Accordingly, the main objectives are as follows: to study the processes of globalization's impact on changes in vocabulary and the emergence of new terminology in business English; to study the impact of globalization on stylistic changes in business English; to analyze the impact of globalization on the formation and dissemination of new political ideas, values, and rhetoric among the people. The scientific novelty of the topic lies in the fact that the influence of globalization on business English and political discourse is considered, how globalization affects language and culture, the perception of information by modern society is presented, which determines the relevance and novelty of the proposed linguistic studies, since English is a global language of communication, the language of international business and trade. It is established that in the field of business communication, globalization processes provoke the use of English as an international business language, the language of international organizations, international treaties and agreements, the language used by companies to do business abroad, which leads to the emergence of standardized business and business vocabulary in English. It is determined that globalization is a process of fundamental restructuring of a country, changes in human activity, values, guidelines, coexistence with other countries with the aim of forming a single global financial and economic space based on modern computer technologies. Conclusions. In the process of analyzing the dictionary of political terminology, the most frequently used terms were identified, which partially coincided with the terms used by J. Bush in his political speeches. However, there is an active use of specific words by the president that reflect the events that took place during his administration. It is also worth emphasizing that the use of the attractive function and the function of influencing the reader in political discourse is traced to influence people, while giving and restricting freedom of choice and speech. We see the prospect of further research in a comparative analysis of the speeches of US presidents of different cadences and identifying differences in the political terms used.


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How to Cite

БИКОВА, Т. (2023). THE IMPACT OF GLOBALIZATION ON BUSINESS ENGLISH AND POLITICAL DISCOURSE. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Philology, (5 (10), 5-11.