


infectology, terminological phrases, analytical terms, productive model


Analytical terms in the field of infectology account for 57% of the total selection, indicating their importance in medical terminology. The disclosure of the structural features of these terms and their classification will contribute to the understanding and use of medical terminology in the theoretical students teaching and in practice. The aim of the article is to analyze the leading models of the formation of English-language terminological phrases in the field of infectology and their reflection on translation into Ukrainian. In order to study this aim, it is necessary to solve the following tasks: 1) to consider the accuracy and unambiguity of terminological phrases in the field of infectology as the basic principles of their construction; 2) analyze the quantitative composition and make the distribution of group terms and models of formation. Scientific novelty lies in the study of the features of the syntactic method of forming modern terms in the field of infectology. Research methods: observation and analysis of dictionary definitions, descriptions and component approaches, statistical methods for processing quantitative results, as well as the method of selective inclusion of terms in professional texts for creating dictionaries. Conclusions. Analytical terms, which make up 57% of the selection, cover a significant part of the industry vocabulary. Particular attention in the article is paid to two-component terminology groups, the composition of which is 41%. Models such as Adj + Noun and Noun + Noun are productive, particularly the adjective-substantive model Adj + Noun, which determines the direction in the formation of two-component terminological phrases. It reveals tendencies in the creation of three-component and multi-component terminology groups, where nouns and adjective components play a special role. The results of the analysis confirm the consistency and logic of the terminology system of infectology, where the selected productive models reflect attempts best express concepts using the simplest syntactic constructions.


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How to Cite

КРУПЄЙ, К. (2023). SYNTACTIC METHOD OF TERM FORMATION OF THE ENGLISHLANGUAGE TERMINAL SYSTEM OF INFECTOLOGY. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Philology, (5 (10), 18-23.