



social networks, neologism, the Internet, neoplasms, borrowed words, language means, slang, communication


The article examines the currently existing levels of structural organization of the social network as a genre of Internet communication. The mass spread of new computer and information technologies goes beyond simple technological progress, because it concerns the essential features of the human personality and its life, which is also manifested in the transformation of its linguistic status. The Internet determines the inevitability of the civilization of cultural humanity, that is, the noosphere as a form of organization of a new geological force – man. With the emergence of social networks, a new stage of communication has begun, which opens up powerful media opportunities and draws attention to new trends in communication processes. The purpose of the article is to analyze the linguistic features of communication in social networks, the transformation of the written form of the language and the emergence of the latest lexical units. Scientific novelty. Today, the Internet as a new communication space occupies an important place in human life, and the role of this sector in the communication process continues to grow steadily. That is why communication in social networks increasingly attracts the attention of philosophers, psychologists, sociologists, cultural scientists, and linguists. The process of development of digital communication is variable – neologisms appear all the time, including slang, and then dictionary forms and even terms. Therefore, we believe that the lexical-semantic composition of the language of social networks is interesting and should be investigated. The Internet is a system that is independently formed and implemented, has unlimited and quickly reproduced memory resources, which approaches the human type of "thinking", the ability to master information multi-screen and non-linear, and also provides an individual with the opportunity for direct, creative, free and interactive participation in mass communication. Various lexical and semantic aspects of the language of social networks are considered. The findings indicate that social networks are a field where new words appear. In order to group them, it is necessary to conduct a lexical and semantic analysis. The language of social networks is extremely diverse these days. New words appear in our usage every minute. They are called neologisms. The number of neologisms is growing significantly, because the Internet and social networks are extremely developed today. Computer technologies, computer games and e-mail introduce a huge number of special words and expressions, a rich and extensive terminology into the language. There are also neologisms, borrowed words, anglicisms, etc. Often, users use emoticons and stickers in their conversations, which completely replace communication. The language of social networks widely uses metaphorical and metonymic techniques, borrowing from different languages, and the use of epithets. Society has become dependent on technology and what it provides – new platforms for communication, as well as the types and forms of communication in them; it realized that it consists of a large number of specific individuals, and not of the masses. At the modern historical stage, interest in the individual has finally increased, despite the technical simplification of life.


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How to Cite

ЧОРНОБАЙ, В. (2023). LEXICO-SEMANTIC ASPECT OF COMMUNICATION IN SOCIAL NETWORKS. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Philology, (5 (10), 44-49. https://doi.org/10.32689/maup.philol.2023.5.7