phraseology, American English, cognitive semantics, intercultural communication, translation, regional variationsAbstract
Phraseologisms are an integral part of the language system, reflecting the cultural and historical context, national identity and worldview of native speakers. The study of American phraseologisms is of particular importance, since they form an important component of intercultural communication in a globalized world. This article considers the main methods and approaches to the study of American phraseologisms, including cognitivesemantic analysis, historical method, translation approach, as well as comparative study. Cognitive-semantic analysis allows us to identify how phraseologisms reflect mental models and cultural concepts inherent in American society. The historical method provides an understanding of the origin and transformation of phraseologisms in a social and cultural context. The translation approach focuses on the specifics of transmitting the meanings of American phraseologisms in other languages, in particular in the Ukrainian language, avoiding the loss of cultural specificity. The lexicographic approach allows us to identify existing American phraseology, organize and describe them, which simplifies the process of communication, learning and finding a counterpart in the native language. The sociolinguistic approach allows us to achieve the relationship between American English and society and allows us to identify the cultural and historical influence of immigrants and the indigenous population on the formation of American phraseology, which in general determined their uniqueness. Comparative study focuses on comparing American phraseology with corresponding units of other variants of English (for example, British) and languages of the world. The study determined that modern aspects of the study of American phraseology, such as the influence of new technologies and regional variations, remain insufficiently researched. In particular, the issues of adaptation of phraseology in the digital environment, their role in social networks and media, as well as differentiation based on regional dialects will be of considerable interest.
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