



linguistic and stylistic techniques, expression, visual techniques, Yuriy Datsenko, horrors, text stylistics


The article examines the most important linguistic and stylistic techniques used to create and evoke emotional danger in the novel by Yu. Datsenko «Trap for the ripper». The aim of the work is to identify the stylistic features of the implementation of the emotional state of fear in works of the horror genre. The article is based on the novel by Yuri Datsenko «Trap for the ripper» and examines the stylistic techniques used by the author to create emotional tension in the text of the work. In addition, the ability of stylistic techniques to arouse fear and other negative emotions is analyzed. The relevance of the research topic lies in the fact that the literature of the «horror» genre has not lost its popularity even in modern conditions and many of these genres are released on screens. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the fact that the analysis revealed several stylistic techniques for creating a tense psychological atmosphere in the novel by Yuri Datsenko «Trap for the ripper». During the work related to this article, we used continuous sampling and contextual analysis. In the aspect of contrastive comparison, the author analyzes the linguistic and stylistic means of depicting such emotional and psychological states as escape and fear, the burden of memories, alienation, inner darkness, life rhythm, and the hunt for a living being as the meaning of existence. This indicates that the stylistic techniques used by the author in the plot contribute to the creation of an attractive atmosphere of fear and emotional tension.


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How to Cite

НАУМОВА, Т. (2024). “THE POISON, BLACK LINES RISING FROM MANY CHIMNEYS” (MOVEMENT-STYLISTIC WAYS OF INCITING FEAR IN YU. DATSENKO’S NOVEL “TRAP FOR THE RIPPER”). Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Philology, (4 (14), 61-65. https://doi.org/10.32689/maup.philol.2024.4.10