


Ukrainian-Canadian poetry, lyrical creativity, theme of the homeland, philosophical lyrics, existentialism


2021 marks the 100th anniversary of the birth of B. Oleksandriv, a famous Ukrainian poet from Canada. His work is multifaceted, but for many reasons it still remains poorly studied in Ukraine. The aim of the article is to study the originality of B. Oleksandiv's poetic work. Realization of the set purpose provides the decision of a number of problems, such as: 1) definition of thematic originality of lyrical works of the poet; 2) research of end-to-end images and motives; 3) the definition of artistic means that create the author's style of the poet. Scientific novelty. The article considers as dominant such main motives of B. Oleksandriv’s lyrics as nostalgia for the homeland, loneliness in a foreign land (in their connection the opposition of a foreign land – home is clearly traced). The national theme in the poems is primarily expressed through traditional images (steppe, sun, wings, etc.), mentions of the past of the people. B. Oleksandriv's poetry is emotionally and psychologically rich. Many of his poems belong to philosophical lyrics, where the central motives are the passage of time, the doom of man, death. In conclusion, the article emphasizes that the poetic heritage of B. Aleksandriv tends to the neoclassical direction. Thematically, it fits perfectly into the context of Ukrainian emigration poetry of the twentieth century, has many echoes with the works of classical artists of mainland Ukraine (where the central theme is the theme of the homeland). B. Oleksandriv's intimate lyrics are characterized by sincerity, tenderness, elegance, musicality and singing. Signs of B. Oleksandriv's philosophical lyrics are also self-immersion, meditation, contemplation. The existence and disclosure of the theme of death gives existentiality to the poet's works. Unfortunately, due to his sudden death, the poet did not have time to fully reveal his potential. With the proclamation of Ukraine’s independence, B. Oleksandriv’s name returned to his homeland. His work is promising for further literary studies.


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How to Cite

ЛЯШЕНКО (НАКАШИДЗЕ), І. (2021). PECULIARITIES OF B. OLEKSANDRIV’S LYRICS. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Philology, (1 (1), 24-29.