



legal discourse, legal translation, terminology, legal text


Since law has an international character and any official world relations require a legal basis, the question of the translation of legal discourse arises. The problem of translating terminology is one of the main problems of translating legal texts. Translation of a legal discourse text must be accurate, brief, clear, meet generally accepted norms of literariness language and not contain ambiguous formulations. Particular attention is required by the fact that a source language term may be conveyed by several terms in the target language, so the translator must address the challenges of an adequate translation of the term, given the scope of the estimated equivalents in the target language. Furthermore, the use of translation techniques, such as loan translation, transcoding and lexical-semantic substitution play an important role in the translation of a legal text. The aim of the article is to study the specifics of translation of English-language legal discourse. The realization of the aim implies solving a number of tasks, such as: 1) definition of characteristic features and types of legal discourse; 2) analysis of difficulties arising for the translator in the translation of legal terminology and ways to prevent them; 3) study of the specifics of legal language and translation techniques that can be used in the absence of an equivalent in the target language. Scientific novelty. In the article the English-language legal discourse is considered the Englishlanguage legal discourse as normative, scientific, and educational legal texts, legal documents, judicial decisions, scholarly commentaries, speeches of lawyers, judges, testimonies of trial participants, the correct translation of which depends on the knowledge of legal terminology and expertise in the field of law. As a conclusion, the article emphasizes that the study of English-language legal discourse requires further research, as there are many difficulties during its translation, which are associated with the specificity of terminology.


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How to Cite

ЧЕРНЮК, А., & ВОЙТКО, Т. (2021). ENGLISH LEGAL DISCOURSE IN THE ASPECT OF TRANSLATION. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Philology, (1 (1), 43-47. https://doi.org/10.32689/maup.philol.2021.1.7