
  • Hennadiiy DMYTRENKO



public administration, mechanisms of public management, professional culture of a public servant, corruption, social upheavals, civil society, power and quality of life of citizens, digital


The article attempts to objectively, based on the historical conditions of the formation of the Ukrainian nation, answer two sacramental questions: Why has Ukraine failed to prove its subjectivity in 30 years of independence (even before the aggression of Putin's Russian Federation)? The second question: How to do this for the future, to prove that the Ukrainian nation exists, but it needs something to form. In the context of the answer to the first question, three characteristic negative mental traits of a large stratum of the population are defined. It was from its active representatives that the management elite was formed, which was unable to lead Ukraine on the path of progress for 30 years. These features were obtained as a historical legacy from the stay of Ukraine for several centuries in the conditions of survival and statelessness (or semi-statehood). This is low personal and civic self-sufficiency; weak scale of thinking with a developed social structure of the mind; the disunity of Ukrainians due to their belonging to different cultures (Western and Eastern) with a certain level of egocentrism as a means of self-sufficiency in survival conditions. It has been established: the tough and heroic defense of its independence in the war with the aggressive Russian Federation proves the existence of the Ukrainian nation as a united community in times of state defense. It has great potential, but which cannot yet be realized outside of force majeure circumstances. In the context of the answer to the second question, the essence of the New Human-Centered Management Course (NLUK) of Ukraine is revealed, with the implementation of which the second phase of the post-war country's formation as a civilized EU state should begin. This course includes the strategy and innovative social and pedagogical technologies of radical modernization of public administration (PU) and education with its claim to spread in other democratic countries. It is argued that it is the implementation of innovative technologies of NLUK in the management practice (which form a progressive culture of system management based on final results in all structures of universities and education) that will give an opportunity to overcome the past. In particular, due to the directed and sufficiently rapid pressing out of the negative features of the mental nature of our historical heritage. This is especially true of the managerial elite, which was formed throughout the years of independence exclusively in violation of meritocracy (that is, based on merit). The technological essence of Ukraine's own path from its past to modern Western civilization is revealed "directly" thanks to the formation of a culture of system management based on final human-centered results (in power structures at all levels), including the educational sector, which powerfully ensures this path to the future.


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How to Cite

ДМИТРЕНКО, Г., & СЕМЕНЕЦЬ-ОРЛОВА, І. (2023). CARDINAL RENEWAL OF PUBLIC MANAGEMENT: FROM THE PAST TO THE FUTURE. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Political Sciences and Public Management, (2(68), 49-60.

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