
  • Оleksandr MYSYSHYN



corruption, political corruption, prevention of political corruption, anti-corruption institutions, anti-corruption strategy, civil society.


The article is devoted to the defining the main directions of prevention the political corruption in the conditions of post-war reconstruction of Ukraine. The methodological basis of the research is a complex of fundamental scientific methods: analysis and synthesis, deduction, induction and summarization. It is found that the current state of prevention the political corruption in Ukraine is characterized by non-systemic approach. It is shown that, on the one hand, further optimization of regulatory and institutional support for the prevention of official corruption continues, which is based on mitigation of risks blocking the activities of anti-corruption institutions. In particular, a new Аnti-corruption strategy has been adopted and the institutional capacity of anti-corruption justice has been significantly improved. On the other hand, it was revealed that the logic and process of building the political corruption preventing system at the current stage of its development continue to be influenced by informal political practices with symptoms of political corruption: braking the adoption of key anti-corruption laws and normative acts improving the functioning of state anti-corruption infrastructure; attempts to limit and partly completely negate the functionality of anticorruption institutions (NACP, NABU, SACC); complete blocking, justified by the war, of anti-corruption registries and other open data systems necessary for public monitoring of the lifestyles and actions of officials that could have a corrupt component. The main scientific approaches in relation to the effective directions and ways of combating political corruption have been analyzed, which allowed to conclude about the generally formed sustainable consensus on the main directions of combating official corruption and related offenses, which are: creation of the system of anti-corruption institutions independent from political influence; minimization of any opportunities for corruption risks in the public administration system; creation of an effective system of penalties for corruption crimes; stimulating the development a culture of non-tolerance any corruption practices in a society by the interaction of the education system, civil society and the business community. Determined the perspective directions of improvement of the system of prevention the political corruption in conditions of post-war reconstruction of Ukraine and worked out a number of recommendations: to create at the level of Anti-Corruption Strategy the reasonable model of the political corruption preventing system; to systematize concrete mechanisms for its preventing; to define by the law the concept of political corruption.


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How to Cite

МИСИШИН, О. (2023). PREVENTION OF POLITICAL CORRUPTION IN THE CONDITIONS OF POST-WAR RECONSTRUCTION OF UKRAINE. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Political Sciences and Public Management, (3(63), 70-77.