



state, democracy, political communication, civil society, e-democracy, information and communication technologies.


It is proven that the process of improving the regulatory and legal support for the functioning of civil society, the institutionalization of state policy in this direction, and the conceptualization of the specified process take place on the basis of the positive global experience of cooperation between state authorities and institutions of civil society. It is emphasized that the cooperation of state authorities with civil society institutions in modern Ukraine was facilitated by the institutionalization of state policy regarding public initiatives, in particular, the adoption of the Law of Ukraine "On Public Associations" (2012), approval of the corresponding strategy and plans for its implementation. The application of modern information and communication technologies plays an extremely important role in it, due to the fact that all stages of the law-making process take place with their direct use: actualization and awareness of the need for a certain normative legal act, development of its project, discussion, adjustment, adoption, publication and dissemination. The development of civil society in Ukraine intensified after 2014, which is associated with the development of volunteer movements after the Revolution of Dignity and military events in the east of Ukraine. It was at this time that public organizations gained trust from society and proved their effectiveness. The COVID-19 pandemic and the ongoing Russian-Ukrainian war have actualized cooperation between authorities and civil society, as well as the development of civil society institutions as the most influential and sensitive institutions to the needs of citizens. The pandemic has actualized the need to use information and communication technologies (ICT) in the process of making political decisions and political communication between the main political actors of modern states. The development of information and communication technologies in modern Ukraine, despite their need and popularity among the population, is in its infancy. Their further development and application in the process of political communication will contribute to the development of electronic democracy and the democratic development of the entire state, which is one of the primary tasks of the state in the process of Ukraine's European integration aspirations.


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How to Cite

МУЗИЧЕНКО, Г. (2023). COOPERATION BETWEEN THE GOVERNMENT AND CIVIL SOCIETY AS A CONDITION FOR FURTHER DEMOCRATIC DEVELOPMENT OF UKRAINE. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Political Sciences and Public Management, (3(63), 83-88.