innovation, humanization, communication, criteria, strategies, barrier-free sphereAbstract
At the current stage of the development of the barrier-free sphere in the education space of Ukraine, the social order in the field of public administration at the municipal level needs a new philosophy, the most important principle of which is the humanization of social relations. This orients the educational process to the formation of the personality of management personnel and the teacher, consciousness and thinking. It is the humanization of social interactions and personality formation through new approaches and principles in education and public administration at the municipal level that we consider through: Inclusive education: One of the key components of humanizing social relations is expanding access to quality education for all population groups, regardless of their individual characteristics. Inclusive education is aimed at providing learning opportunities for students with special needs in regular schools, ensuring their integration into society. Partnership relations: The humanization of social relations ensures the active participation of the public, parents, students and public organizations in the decisions made in the field of education. Municipalities should create forums for public discussion and influence on the development of schools and educational programs. Development of civic consciousness: Education should contribute to the formation of civic consciousness and active citizenship. Students must learn to be responsible members of society, understand their rights and responsibilities. Human orientation: Humanization of social interactions involves focusing on the needs and interests of each individual. Educational programs should be aimed at developing individual potential and meeting the personal needs of students. Innovations in education: The use of modern methods and technologies in education, which contribute to the active involvement of students, the development of their critical thinking and creative thinking. Cooperation and exchange of experience: Cooperation between municipalities, educational institutions and other organizations with the exchange of best practices and joint problem solving. The humanization of social relations in the educational sector in Ukraine is a task that contributes to the development of society and the improvement of the quality of education. This philosophy is based on the values of dignity, equality and mutual respect, and is aimed at creating a favorable environment for each participant in the educational process.
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