


personnel mechanism, public management, public management of higher education, public management and administration of higher education, mechanisms of public management, mechanisms of public management of higher education


The article examines the personnel mechanism of public management of higher education. It has been established that the personnel mechanism of public management of higher education provides for the effective use of means and tools based on the personnel support of higher education institutions in order to achieve the defined goals of long-term development. A key role in this is played by the staffing of higher education institutions. It has been studied that staffing means a set of actions aimed at searching, evaluating and establishing compliance with qualification requirements, as well as determining relationships between participants in educational activities. It has been established that the activity of higher education institutions under market conditions and the presence of competition regarding the variety of educational services not only in the country, but also abroad, is characterized by an increase in the autonomy of higher education institutions, the need to ensure sustainable development in a strategic perspective, the need to strengthen competitive positions in the market, and makes it possible to form requirements for the modern management link of the higher education system. As a result of the research, the levels of public management of personnel provision of the higher education system were identified, which form the general personnel mechanism of public management of higher education, which is manifested through the establishment of personnel provision, requirements for them and their compliance, as well as determining the interaction between these levels. It has been investigated that in the field of public administration there are many personnel mechanism tools that are used for effective personnel management in state authorities, local self-government and other public institutions. According to the results of the research, the key tools of the personnel mechanism of public administration are singled out, namely: personnel policy, recruiting and selection, evaluation and development of personnel, motivation and incentives, the system of compensations and social guarantees, management of labor relations, information technologies in personnel management. The above tools together contribute to the effective management of personnel in the field of public administration and ensuring the fulfillment of strategic goals and objectives of the organization.


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How to Cite

П’ЯТНИЧУК, І. (2024). PERSONNEL MECHANISM OF THE PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION OF HIGHER EDUCATION. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Political Sciences and Public Management, (6(72), 56-63.