personality, types of competencies, emotional competence, emotional intelligence, components of emotional competence, levels of emotional competence developmentAbstract
The article attempts to reveal the essence of the phenomenon of emotional competence of the individual, as well as to analyze the types of personality competencies and on their basis to determine the components and markers of the level of emotional competence. A variety of approaches to determining competence have been demonstrated. The construct of emotional competence is analyzed, which consists of four basic components – reflection, selfregulation, regulation of relationships, and empathy, which form four functional blocks – behavioral, cognitive, intrapersonal and interpersonal. It is determined that close to the concept of “emotional competence” are “personal competence”, “social competence”, “socio-psychological competence”, “role competence” and “communicative competence”. The concept of “emotional competence” is defined as the willingness and ability to flexibly manage their own emotional reactions and the reactions of others, appropriate to changing situations and conditions and use these abilities to achieve important goals in life in general and professional activities in particular. In the structure of emotional competence of the individual components (affective-cognitive, value-motivational, behavioral-activity) and levels (high, sufficient, average, low) are distinguished. The personal characteristics of an emotionally competent person, which is characterized by balance, honesty, friendliness, sociability, openness; a person who easily gets along with others and is in harmony with himself, is able to control their own emotions, adequately assessing their nature and cause. It is stated that the existing scientific achievements are insufficient for a clear understanding of the phenomenon of emotional competence and the basis for studying psychological approaches to understanding emotional competence, the definition of this phenomenon as a methodological foundation for designing and implementing development programs. The perspective of the research is to find out the functional constructs of the development of emotional competence of the individual.
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