



equitable educational interaction, partnership, higher education institution (HEI), educational process, innovative tools, problematic, dialogue model, communication, alternative methods of dispute resolution, mediation.


The article emphasizes that the ability to establish equitable and collaborative relationships is a priority in today's educational context, especially concerning educational interactions. It is noted that modern higher education institutions, during their integration into the European space, should not only provide students with a certain amount of theoretical knowledge and practical skills but also foster essential professional competencies. These competencies include autonomy, critical thinking, problem-solving abilities, teamwork, etc. The accomplishment of such tasks is only possible through the implementation of innovative approaches, models, methods, forms, tools and learning instruments. The study identifies that the new educational paradigm, centered around a student-centric and personalized approach, recognizes dialogue-based educational models as its fundamental idea. These models advocate for parity, partnership, and equality among all educational process participants. It has been proven that one of the successful examples of practically implementing this concept is the author's educational model for training professionals in the socio-humanitarian sphere (A.V. Furman). This model not only adheres to fundamental paradigmatic principles but also contains a proven and effective system of innovative methodological tools that facilitate the creation of a value-driven communicative field for inclusive interaction. This system contributes to the development of qualities, which serve as the core of partnership: activity, autonomy, independence, responsibility, and more. The presented system is portrayed as a set of interconnected stages, logically linked with the main structural components of the partnership model and the dominant features of the credit-modular educational cycle. Each stage is enriched with content and specific examples of efficient forms and methods, considering not only the specific educational material and the requirements embedded in educational standards but also the individual and age-related characteristics of students across different academic courses in higher education institutions.


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How to Cite

НАДВИНИЧНА, Т., & ЯРЕМКО, О. (2023). ІNNOVATIVE TOOLS FOR ENHANCING EQUITABLE EDUCATIONAL INTERACTION AMONG PARTICIPANTS OF THE EDUCATIONAL PROCESS IN HEIS. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Psychology, (2(58), 19-24. https://doi.org/10.32689/maup.psych.2023.2.3