cognitive-behavioral therapy, CBT, social isolation, pandemic, psychological state, depression, anxiety, automatic negative thoughts, cognitive restructuring, behavioral patterns, adaptive strategies, psycho-emotional state, behavior modification, stress resilience, self-regulation, interpersonal interaction, social supportAbstract
Social isolation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic has become a global challenge for mental health, leading to a significant increase in anxiety, depression, and other psycho-emotional disorders. In this context, cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) serves as a powerful tool for helping people overcome the negative effects of isolation caused by the pandemic. CBT is an effective method for working with cognitive distortions and destructive behavior patterns, which helps reduce stress, anxiety, and depression levels, as well as restore social connections disrupted by the pandemic. The article explores the application of CBT to overcome the psychological consequences of social isolation, particularly such issues as loneliness, anxiety, and depression. Special attention is given to the impact of the pandemic on different population groups, specifically children, adolescents, and elderly people, and the adaptation of cognitive-behavioral techniques to these groups. All these aspects are analyzed through the lens of contemporary CBT approaches, which allows for conclusions on the effectiveness of this therapy in the context of global social changes.
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