



information security; Information Technology; Artificial Intelligence; legal regulation; electronic government; distance learning; human rights


The article is devoted to the problems of the growing role of artificial intelligence technologies and the need for legal regulation of the processes of interaction between artificial intelligence and humans, in the context of information security. According to the author, without a full and timely regulatory regulation of the development of technological innovations that can make independent decisions, society runs the risk of suffering serious losses. Therefore, it is extremely important already now, to develop and implement for information technologies such administrative and legal regulation in which the development of technologies will not lead to risks for the society and will retain control over what is happening to the person. The author suggests that in the future artificial intelligence is deprived of the status of a computer program or technology, and it will become an independent subject of law, citing as an example of acquiring legal capacity by another artificial, abstract entity— the state. The publication examines the existing attempts to form a legal framework for interaction between humans and artificial intelligence, which took place in the European Union, Japan and the PRC. This includes the precedent for recognizing artificial intelligence as an independent creative unit, which has already taken place in the Chinese city of Shenzhen, where the court ruled that some articles written using artificial intelligence are protected by copyright. Special attention is devoted to the analysis of domestic studies of the prospects for the use of artificial intelligence and its interaction with humans. The author proposes an approach to the regulation of legal relations associated with artificial intelligence, built around the principle — technology for the benefit of a person, to respect his rights and freedoms. The author predicts a shift in priorities in the field of information security from the protection of personal data and the security of their use, to the prevention of uncontrolled use of artificial intelligence, in the areas related to the implementation of human rights and freedoms.


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How to Cite

Лисенко, С. (2020). FUTURE TRENDS IN INFORMATION SECURITY ACCORDING TO ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE TECHNOLOGIES. Public Management, (5 (25), 151-163. https://doi.org/10.32689/2617-2224-2020-3(23)-151-163


