personnel, personnel potential, personnel potential of the Armed Forces, personnel training, personnel development, personnel motivation, personnel information security.Abstract
The purpose of the work is to conduct a systematic analysis of the problems of forming the human resources of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the system of public administration. The article substantiates that the unstable socio-economic situation on the world stage, new globalization challenges and threats prove the need for large-scale reform of the Armed Forces. Reorganization of the militaryadministrative structure, reduction of personnel, modification of the reserve training system, humanization of conditions of conscription, transfer to outsourcing (service by civilian organizations) of the Armed Forces support system actually accumulate resources and create a basis for staffing the Armed Forces. Methodology: systems analysis, generalization, synthesis, analysis, modeling. Scientific novelty. The author summarizes seven clusters of formation and development of personnel potential of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the system of public administration. First, the inconsistency and inefficiency of personnel management of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, in particular, there is no Strategy for reforming the personnel policy of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in terms of forming the human resources of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in public administration. Secondly, there are no effective mechanisms for the formation of high-quality personnel potential of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, in particular, it is necessary to reformat the mechanisms for selection, evaluation, motivation of management personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Thirdly, it needs to reform the military training system, taking into account the innovative requirements of the modern world community, as well as trends in the training of NATO troops. Fourth, the problem of reformatting the system of competencies that should be possessed by the management of the Armed Forces, in particular, the definition of special and professional competencies, taking into account the variability of the system of national and international security. Fifth, the problem of organizing effective moral education of military personnel as an important factor in ensuring national security. Sixth, the introduction of coaching for military personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The concept of career-oriented coaching for military officers provides an opportunity to innovatively consider the processes of professional development and career growth in which the principles of military coaching can be really useful. Seventh, the formation of its own information security of the personnel potential of the Armed Forces of Ukraine as a basis for the formation of national security of Ukraine. Conclusions. The article systematizes the current problems of formation and development, proves that these problems should be summarized in the Strategy for reforming the personnel policy of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
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