coefficient, transformation, resources, efficiency, management, community, results.Abstract
Today, the national public administration at the level of territorial communities has faced the problem of ensuring the effective and efficient performance of its functions in relation to social transformations in the process of local economic development. The purpose of the work. Substantiation and approbation for local self-government bodies of such indicators for operative assessment of the effectiveness of their management of TG activities, which would demonstrate a real connection between the results of local economic development and the contribution of public administration to this development. Methodology. The article examines the essence of known approaches and indicators of the effectiveness of the territorial community and assessments of the effectiveness of its management by local governments, based on which new indicators such as TG transformation rate and MHI management efficiency are proposed. Scientific novelty. As such indicators the expediency of using the transformation coefficient in the form of the ratio of the value of all goods and services generated by the TG population to the value of all resources spent for this purpose, the efficiency of local government management in the form of the ratio of taxes and fees paid to the general community its population of goods and services to the amount of expenses incurred for the maintenance of this body, the workload of local government in the form of the ratio of the population in the community to all employees according to the staff list of local self-government, as well as the cost of maintaining the body for one resident all expenses for its maintenance to the number of inhabitants in the community. Conclusions. The example of territorial communities of Ivano-Frankivsk region demonstrates the feasibility of using the proposed list of indicators to evaluate and compare the effectiveness and efficiency of territorial communities and their governing bodies with the ability to calculate these indicators based on available statistics for each community, establishing its place in the overall ranking and identification of problematic situations in order to formulate proposals for improving the work of the governing body, its leaders, officials and the community.
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