suffrage, electoral process, public administration.Abstract
The article considers the legal support of the mechanism of state management of electoral security in Ukraine, carried out in accordance with the Constitution of Ukraine, generally accepted principles and norms of international law, international treaties of Ukraine, the Association Agreement between Ukraine and other acts of the President of Ukraine and the Cabinet of Ministers, constituent political documents (strategies, concepts, doctrines). Democratic power gets legal force during national elections. However the real elections can be not every social and political processes that are based on voting of citizens.The state bodies called upon to ensure the security of the election process are given, and the main normative and legal documents are outlined. Thus higher is an educational level of citizen, the anymore he is politically orientated and apt to the democratic changes. The level of education especially legal influences on personality of citizen, id est for more well-educated people the developed aspiring to the effective participating in a political process that opens to them access to political power. The results of the analysis of existing approaches and normative documents to the safety process assessment are presented. The study found that currently the problem of finding comprehensive incentives to improve regulation in the field of election security in Ukraine remains relevant, and the reliability of the results is achieved through the proper use of modern methods of analysis, statistical processing and projected mechanism of the election process. It is important not only to create a system of comprehensive protection, but also to ensure its functioning.
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