personnel security, public administration, reform, public service, professional development of personnel.Abstract
The article reveals the institutional and technological foundations of the policy of personnel security of public administration in today’s Ukraine. Ensuring personnel security is not only one of the main activities of any modern organization, but also the most important function of management. The influence of personnel security factors on public personnel policy is argued. The main shortcomings of Ukrainian personnel practices that hinder the institutionalization of personnel policy in the management system have been identified. Measures to increase the efficiency of personnel security in the modernization of public administration through the use of innovative personnel technologies are summarized. The purpose of the work. The purpose of writing the article is a comprehensive justification of personnel security in the public administration system and outlined areas and priorities for improving its efficiency and effectiveness. Methodology. In order to create effective security of personnel in the system of public administration, it is necessary to develop a comprehensive system of organizational measures, namely: creating conditions for independent professional development of public servants; formation of new mechanisms of motivation of employees to continuous professional development; development of measures to improve the system of material incentives for employees, as well as the structure of their financial support; increasing the effectiveness of anti-corruption mechanisms in the activities of public bodies; introduction of a new methodology for assessing and monitoring the effectiveness of the units of these bodies in the prevention of corruption but also the image of the whole country. Scientific novelty. Important areas of personnel policy in the public service system are highlighted, namely the implementation of an effective mechanism for recruiting and working with civil servants; increasing the prestige of public service and the authority of public servants; improving training and professional development programs for civil servants. It should be emphasized that one of the main conditions for ensuring the personnel security of modern Ukraine is the morality of the governing body, its active civil position, patriotism, which is of paramount importance in the current economic and geopolitical confrontation. Conclusions. It is emphasized that the formation of managerial human resources of the public apparatus at different levels is a long process and therefore cannot develop automatically. It has been proven that it can be productive if it is carried out on the basis of a scientifically sound strategy of the state, designed for the long term. It was emphasized that among the necessary factors that reduce personnel threats and prevent «staff shortage» in our country, we should emphasize the efficiency, competence, reliability and professionalism of the public apparatus. It is noted that the orientation and adaptability of public personnel policy to the needs of Ukrainian society depends not only on the development of the state and improving the lives of Ukrainian citizens, but also the image.
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