



informatization, healthcare sector, electronic healthcare system, territorial community, performance indicators, monitoring mechanisms, legal framework, public administration


More than 60 years have passed since the beginning of research on the use of information technology in the field of healthcare, but there is no complete clarity in determining the best strategy for informatization and the operation of the electronic healthcare system (EHS).

At present, normative-legal acts regulate informatization in the field of healthcare and the order of activity of the EHS, storage, protection of personal and medical information. However, the issues of quality assessment and monitoring mechanisms of the EHS have not been resolved. The issues of using electronic tools to assess the quality of the healthcare system, indicators of the state of health of the population, economic indicators of the healthcare system are also insufficiently studied. At this stage of development of the electronic healthcare system, the automation process has been introduced, but there is a need to develop the mechanisms for processing and analyzing information, using the EHS as a tool for systematic and timely monitoring of healthcare performance, in particular at the level of the united territorial community in the conditions of change of the administrative-territorial system, decentralization, formation and development of the territorial communities. For the community as a whole, there is important information about the state of healthcare not so much in the administrative territory as in the community. Informatization and EHS can be an important tool for monitoring the healthcare system in the settlements that are part of a unified territorial community and serve the population of the community, rather than a single city, town, etc.

This study outlines the main purpose and activities of the EHS as a tool for monitoring the process and results of activities in the field of healthcare of the united territorial community, considered issues of legislation on informatization in the field of healthcare and activities of the EHS, liability for violations of in the field of information protection.


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How to Cite

Коробчинська, Н. (2020). ELECTRONIC HEALTHCARE SYSTEM AS A MONITORING TOOL IN THE FIELD OF HEALTHCARE OF THE UNITED TERRITORIAL COMMUNITY: REGULATORY LAW. Public Management, (4 (24), 173-188. https://doi.org/10.32689/2617-2224-2020-4(24)-173-188


