



mechanisms of the public administration, regulation of the diplomatic relations, Ancient India, foreign policy activity, Ramses-Hattushil treaty


The article analyzes the evolutionary processes of the formation of mechanisms of the state regulation through diplomatic policy. It is justified that in the external relations between the countries one of the oldest and most important administrative institutions of the political activity is the institution of regulation of diplomatic relations. With the advent of the interstate relations of the ancient world, both peaceful and military, the political figures of ancient Egypt, India, Greece, Rome, China and other countries have developed directions for improving the public policy in the field of diplomatic activity. Considering the statehood of Ancient India, in the context of the development of mechanisms of the public administration in the field of diplomatic relations, it has been stated that the use in diplomatic policy of the diplomatic privileges and immunities is one of the most ancient and widely recognized ways of regulating this activity in the international law.

It has been proved that the problem of finding a balance in the direction of the patterns of development of mechanisms of the public administration in the field of diplomatic activity was raised earlier in the ancient China than in the European countries. The art of diplomatic relations, as a leading tool for the implementation of a foreign policy strategy is an important element of the political culture of the community and an indispensable tool for the security of the state interests. It is ascertained by the fact that modern historians and government officials argue that there were certain patterns in Ancient Greece that consisted of a sufficiently developed and powerful system of regulation of the foreign policy and, in particular, of the diplomatic relations.

It is noted that the diplomatic activities of Ancient India deserve special attention by the Laws of Manu dating back to the 1st millennium BC. According to these regulations of the diplomatic relations, the avoidance of hostilities and the conclusion of peace depended on the art of negotiating of the diplomatic ambas sadors. It is noted that the principle of inviolability of the representatives of diplomatic relations is also reflected in this country.


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How to Cite

Хассун, М. А. М. (2020). EVOLUTION OF FORMATION OF THE MECHANISMS OF STATE REGULATION THROUGH DIPLOMATIC POLICY. Public Management, (3 (23), 178-185. https://doi.org/10.32689/2617-2224-2020-3(23)-178-185


