


need, security, information security of the individual, turbulence, self-actualization


The concept of ‘need’ in modern conditions has become unquestionably prestigious, positive, necessary, which creates conditions for human improvement and development. In the process of life, there was a significant transformation of the information society, and the structure of desires and drives, which include a wider range of needs of modern man, was minimized. So, there is an urgent need to improve the concept of today’s request. The article presents a modernized pyramid of human needs by A. Maslow, according to which seven main levels of needs form a hierarchical structure that determines human behaviour as a dominant.

It is indicated that the need to be safe is one of the main and relates to the level of vitality. The need for various types and forms of security exists at all stages of human development, but it is in the conditions of the rapid development of information technologies and constant information and psychological impact on the individual, society and the state that the need for information security acquires the status of a national idea.

Given the pace of modern life and technological development, the vital needs of modern man have changed significantly and expanded, the demand for safe life and information and psychological comfort for personal realization in the conditions of turbulent development, information invasion and non-systemic social chaos have increased. The following definition of the concept of information security is formulated as a state of the information environment, which provides the satisfaction of information needs of the subjects of information relations, information security and protection of the subjects from negative information influence.

Determinant in meeting the information needs of the individual is to obtain reliable, comprehensive, comparative information, which can be the basis for a single correct decision. Thus, the preservation of information security of man, his psychological health, the search for effective methods of solving this problem is an important and relevant issue of state information policy.


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How to Cite

Панченко, О., Кабанцева, А., & Сердюк, І. (2020). THE NEED OF PERSONALITY IN INFORMATION SECURITY. Public Management, (3 (23), 210-222.


