public administration in the field of civil protection, the safety of life of society, emergency situation, processes of ensuring the protection of the populationAbstract
It is determined that the public administration in the field of civil protection can be called a separate type of activity in the organization of processes to ensure the protection and security of the population, the optimal functioning and sustainable development of the system of public administration of national security, which is conducted by public and private entities. It is determined that before civil protection of entities belong to state authorities that implement the development and implementation of public policy in the field of civil protection; object control accumulates various aspects of the field of civil protection as a system of ensuring the protection and safety of life of society (in a broad sense it is a management activity); management processes are responsible for ensuring public relations and organize direct and feedback relations between subjects and objects of management.
Analysing the doctrinal and regulatory sources that define the notion 'emergency', the lack of a unified approach to this issue is noted, which can also be observed in the study of the classification of emergencies.
There are seven criteria, according to which a specific event can be attributed to an emergency:
- Organizational and managerial;
- Socio-political; Socio-psychological;
- Social and environmental;
- Economic;
- Animated; and
- Hourly.
Each of these criteria meets certain qualitative characteristics. Any unexpected extreme event should be considered as an emergency only if it meets all seven criteria. The defined criteria of an emergency, in their totality, make it possible to qualify processes, phenomena and events as an emergency, while separating them from other crisis phenomena.
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