digitalization, digitalization of public administration, digital transformations, public administration, sphere of physical education and sportsAbstract
The article highlights the main directions of digitalization of public administration in the field of physical culture and sports, in particular, characterizes the current trends in the development of electronic services, identifies factors affecting the process of digitalization of public administration, and identifies the advantages of digitalization of public administration. Attention is focused on the dual nature of digitization processes, which on the one hand is the driver of all socio-economic processes of public management in the field of physical education and sports, and at the same time is one of the reasons for the deterioration of the physical activity of the population and the deterioration of their health. It was determined that digitization is complicated by the absence or significant limitation of access of some citizens to the Internet; a significant number of citizens who need the services of state institutions have left their homes or are in temporarily occupied territories; the increased level of threats in cyberspace, which requires a quick response, the readiness of technical means and specialists. The main directions of the digital transformation of public management in the field of physical education and sports have been determined, including the digitization of the field of public management itself (introduction of digital tools in the process of implementing the main functions of management) and the use of digital tools in popularizing the field of physical education and sports. It is proposed to introduce the "Digitalized Sport" system, which in the public management system is a service-oriented organization of the functioning of the public management system in the field of physical education and sports based on digital technologies. At the same time, the "Digitalized Sport" system would contribute to the strengthening of transformational leadership, a change in thinking and digital potential at the individual level; development of an integrated institutional ecosystem with the help of a comprehensive regulatory framework; transformation of organizational structure and culture; promoting systems thinking and developing integrated approaches to policy making and service delivery; ensuring strategic and professional data management to ensure policy-making based on such data and access to information through open government data; availability of technologies; resource mobilization and coordination of priorities, plans and budgets, including through public-private partnerships.
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