



strategic management, strategic goals, interests, purpose, public management, mechanisms of public management


The article considers the strategy as a certain integral system of goals and tasks that must be solved by the management entity to achieve the key goal, and their typology is carried out. In the draft strategy, goals and objectives must be clearly formulated, their relationship, selection and setting justified. This is possible under the condition of effective information and analytical activity, which is an integral component of strategic management. The strategic process includes all stages of strategy development, idea formulation, determination of interests, tasks, resources of the strategy, its incremental implementation and situational adjustment, in addition, the stages of formation and development (management, production, promotion). The strategic management system is a management system based on the development and implementation of a program to achieve the set goal, taking into account the resources available in the organization and within the framework of the policies adopted by the organization. This means that the implementation of the program is constantly monitored and, if necessary, the necessary preventive and corrective measures are taken, even the strategy itself is adjusted. Interests are special incentives for activity that express certain needs and goals of people, as well as their groups. It is interests – personal and public – that become the cause of individual and collective political actions. Political activity is a set of individual actions, actions and interactions, i.e. interactions of individuals in politics, aimed at achieving some goal. All types of interests can have two subtypes: hidden and declared. Hidden interests, as a rule, are not declared and not disseminated, they are often satisfied at the expense of the interests of other subjects or completely contradict such interests. In contrast to hidden interests, declared interests are highlighted without special concealment, although they may also conflict with the interests of other subjects, but they carry less negative content compared to hidden ones.


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How to Cite

Попроцький, О. П., & Максимів, М. Я. (2022). GOALS AND INTERESTS IN STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT. Public Management, (5 (33), 51-57. https://doi.org/10.32689/2617-2224-2022-5(33)-7


