information-analytical activity of the authorities, state-administrative decisions, information support of the state bodies, analytical information, products of the information marketAbstract
The scientific article is devoted to the study of questions of information-analytical activity of the authorities in the writings of domestic and foreign thinkers. Modern scientific developments concerning the needs of analytical administration activity, which are determined by several conditions, are revealed. First, the administration as a high-tech activity is characterized by an increasing amount of miscellaneous information that is not suitable for direct use by the officials, because it requires special processing, taking into ac count the adopted administration paradigm and the tasks that have been solved. Secondly, modern administration is becoming more dynamic and situational, leading to an increased need for information data to make the right decision to meet them. The information-analytical structures provide diagnostics of situations for perception of the social tendencies, prevent the formation of negative public opinion and potential conflicts on the basis of complex recommendations.
It is substantiated that the information-analytical system of the public administration should take into account the diversity of decision-making processes and the specific activities of civil servants of all categories at different stages of the decision-making process.
It is determined that information-analytical support is necessary in the implementation of the following tasks:
- analysis and monitoring of the status of the administration objects;
- quality control over the implementation of the decisions and the effectiveness of administration mechanisms;
- analysis of external and internal problem situations and their forecast;
- documenting administration decisions and the process of preparing them;
- analysis of the quality of the decisions made;
- expertise on proposed solutions and problems, etc.
It has been proved that information-analytical activity has a number of objectives aimed at solving situations that require public-administrative decisions and consist in taking certain actions to monitor the accumulated information, structure it, make decisions to obtain additional information on the new initial task and so on. The most general definition of the purpose of information-analytical activity should be considered the creation of certain information products, which requires at least three requirements for scientific substantiation, truthfulness and timeliness of information.
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