



sense, social sense, deterministic sense, discrete sense, public administration, work with sense


The article discusses the management sphere from the standpoint of direct interaction with people, i.e. with principled mediocre activity, namely, stratification of the relevant senses cluster. The basis is discrete sense that circulate in a particular society. The attention is paid on the mechanism of cumulation of all this semantic information, the calculation of the centers of certain semantic nodes and the like as a new strategy in the social and administrative sphere. The authors state that the activities in the field of public administration may be considered not only exclusively leading, in which sense generation is the dominant interaction paradigm, but also driven that is characterized by mastering the existing senses, as well as predicting their connectivity. As a result of such an integrated approach, the article outlines that a righteous person will be able to be a socially required participant in social dialogue, without which the process of its deployment will be impossible. The sphere of management is a practical branch of knowledge in which the senses are actualised, because they are the basis for building semantic senses (elements of the semantic chain, united by reflected senses that are of a kind nature), on which a certain ideology, social interaction, etc. is based, and communication in public administration — in particular. Due to the fact that the coordination of various group interests and the ability to maintain social consensus the latter is the central task of the democratic reform of Ukrainian society and the state. At the present stage of socio-economic and political developments, the functional role of communication acquires a special theoretical, methodological and socio-practical actualisation. In this context, the communication is the subject of research of various subject fields and different conceptual levels of philosophical (ontological, axiological and other levels), sociological (archetypical, social communications), cultural (cultural heritage), cybernetic (neural networks, databases, etc.), political, psychological, socio-biological, linguistic knowledge. It is directly caused by the total penetration of information and communication technologies into all spheres of public life.


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How to Cite

Довгань, О., & Ленда, Р. (2020). FLUCTUATION OF SENSE IN THE PROCESS OF DEPLOYMENT SOCIO-COMMUNICATIVE MECHANISM IN THE PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION SPHERE. Public Management, (5 (20), 67-74. https://doi.org/10.32689/2617-2224-2019-5(20)-67-74


