


public marketing, public services, economic mechanism, organizational structures, information mechanism, public diplomacy, social mechanism, social advertisin, public marketing, public services, economic mechanism, organizational structures, information mechanism, public diplomacy, social mechanism, social advertising


The article defines that marketing is an activity, a set of institutions and processes – always interconnected and interdependent – designed to identify, predict, create, communicate, provide and exchange valuable offers that satisfy customers, audiences, partners and society as a whole. In an era when public sector organizations must do better to respond effectively to the public interest, public marketing is becoming an important part of public sector management. Ukraine currently needs an effective state response to the requests of citizens, businesses and society as a whole. Therefore, the purpose of the study is to determine the functioning mechanisms of the public marketing system in Ukraine, the practical value of which is to ensure the availability and increase the quality of public services. The article describes the public services provided in Ukraine. Attention is focused on the fact that public marketing should be based on the identification and observance of the interests and needs of both social groups of the population and society as a whole. Public services can have a high level of potential in raising the standard of living of citizens, which should be a priority area of activity of the welfare state. The economic mechanism of public marketing, which is based on the payment of public services, was also analyzed, but it was noted that their price and the amount of the fee needs to be revised. It was concluded that the introduction of public marketing in state organizations requires organizational and institutional support, in particular, it was analyzed that some of its functions are performed by the departments of communications or public relations. The practical implementation of the information mechanism of public marketing in Ukraine has been analyzed and its effective activation in the conditions of pandemic and war has been proven. The high effectiveness of Ukraine as a whole in terms of virtualization of the work of state bodies as a result of the implementation of the Action and actually the initiative “The State in a Smartphone” has been substantiated. It was noted that mobile phones are used to provide public services, which help citizens and businesses to avoid unnecessary spending of resources and reduce corruption and bureaucracy. However, it will become complete when a package of standards for the provision of public (and not only administrative) services will be developed to adequately assess the quality of their provision. For the full implementation of public marketing mechanisms, it is necessary to carry out not only public relations, but also to take into account the social demands of society, especially in emergency situations. This allows taking into account the social mechanism of public marketing. Its main element is social advertising and campaigns. The perspectives of scientific intelligence should be aspects of the design, implementation and monitoring of programs designed to campaign to change the attitudes and behavior of target audiences and to persuade certain sectors of society to adopt new policies or legislation.


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How to Cite

Зоряна Михайлівна, Б., & Вікторія Валеріївна, Ч. (2023). MECHANISMS OF PUBLIC MARKETING IN UKRAINE IN MODERN CONDITIONS. Public Management, (1 (34), 18-28.


