electronicization of public administration, information potential, transformation of the population employment systemAbstract
Abstract. It was noted that the informatization of society finds its manifestation: in the strengthening of the influence of technical progress of knowledge, embodied in a qualified workforce, despite all economic processes; in the capitalization of knowledge and the sharp growth of the multifactor labor productivity index. Space is shrinking in the new network economy. Being included in the network, the subjects of social and labor relations, sellers and buyers, competitors can be located on different continents. The development of the digital economy leads to the unification of the categories «labour market» and «employment». Carrying out direct activity, that is, being in the employed category, the employee, aware of the situation of instability and short-term nature of this work, simultaneously exposes himself to the labor market in search of the next place of employment. It has been established that the radical transformation of the conditions affecting the employment system of the population leads to the need for a more thorough study of all the elements formed by this system and the development of mechanisms for their effective regulation. In a post-industrial society, the main resource is information, the type of production activity is sequential processing, basic technologies are knowledge-intensive, the main interaction is between people, work becomes an information resource. It was determined that the transformation of labor relations takes place mainly under the influence of the modernization of labor resources and working conditions, which form a qualitatively new interaction between the employee and the employer, which is primarily related to: the emergence of non-standard forms of labor relations, business models that directly connect the employee and the employer within the framework of commercial legal relations; distribution of employment through the Internet; transformation of organizational and economic relations; the emergence of new aspects of labor relations arising at the intersection of technological, economic and socio-cultural vectors of the development of the new economy. The transformation of work, labor and social relations, and labor resources leads to a change in the structure of employment of the population. The works of many domestic and foreign scientists and entire organizations are devoted to the study of the transformation of the employment structure of the population. At the same time, the structure of employment can be considered from the standpoint of various criteria. The purpose of the article. The purpose of the research carried out in the presented article is to analyze and improve the elements of the transformation of the population employment system in the conditions of electronic public administration. Methodology. The employment system of the population is under the influence of many factors, which, as a result, transform it. In turn, this transformation will further modernize all spheres of human activity and society in general. The development of the employment system takes on the character of evolution, both of human resources, the workplace, and the institutional design of labor relations. There is a close relationship between the evolutionary processes in the employment system and the evolutionary processes taking place in the economy, scientific and technical sphere, social life, politics and culture. This is reflected in the close interpenetration of various types of individual work, the emergence of new forms of employment (remote work), new professions, the evolution of objects of employment relations within existing forms, modification of the employment structure, development of the motivation system and work stimulation. The transformation of the population employment system in modern conditions is considered by Z. Bzezhynskyi, R. Katz, Y. Masuda, M. Porat, T. Stoneyer, and is developed in the works of H. Bechmann, P. Drucker, M. A. Castells, D. Tapscott, E. Toffler and others. Scientific novelty. The classification of the elements and content of changes in the population employment system, which have been transformed as a result of the development of the digital economy and information society, has been improved, namely: the environment in which population employment is carried out (openness, development of competition, social harmony, lifelong learning, electronic government, business, education, health care, virtualization of production, dominant individual ownership, new technologies, tools, global communications, compression of production); category «work» (creative activity, self-realization of a person and development of human abilities, humanization of work, increase in creative saturation, personal initiative and responsibility); labor relations (business models working with the help of Internet technologies, employment and employment via the Internet, the «person-person» system, active mobility, orientation to the traditions of interpersonal relations, consideration of human individuality, industrial democracy, shortened duration, indirectness of relations) ; labor resources (ordinary home teleworkers, highly mobile workers, occasional teleworkers, real and virtual substance of the individual, society of professionals, producers of knowledge, multidimensional person, active society, electronic society, «global village, «clip thinking»); the structure of population employment («feminization of employment», the service sector, innovative and active industries, reduction of unskilled routine work, digitization of activities, knowledge, intensive production); types of employment of the population (non-standard forms of employment, remote employment, joint use of employees, joint employment, temporary management, occasional work, periodic work, on-call work, mobile work, voucher work, portfolio workers, mass employment, cooperation among self-employed workers, umbrella organizations); workplace (digitization of workplaces where routine tasks are performed; high mobility of workplaces; formation of new components of workplaces, including the characteristics of software and machine equipment, the possibility of constant modernization and transformation). Conclusions. The results of the research on the transformation of the employment system of the population testify to the difficult implementation of previously formed theories and systems of employment of the population. It is necessary to define a new characteristic of the employment system, which becomes both the basis and the direction of its development – this is the informational potential of the population employment system, which is formed as a result of the interaction of the new qualities of the employee and the characteristics of the workplace necessary for his maximum productivity.
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