national representation, parliamentarism, civil society, information society, public management, local government, public administrationAbstract
In article are considered the Ukrainian historical features of national representation in power structures and also are analysed progressive international experience of modern democratic management through national representation. According to it, vision of ways of realization of national representation in Ukraine in the context of modern challenges is represented, in particular: globalization of activity of the international community; expansion of information and communication space within the Internet; modernization of a system of state administration by its democratization, decentralization, demonopolization; intensive transformation of civil society in information; the embodiment in life of the ideas of parliamentarism and so forth. At the same time, are considered a historical basis of the Ukrainian national representation and its modern features and also real opportunities of local government as absolute national representation. The main attention in a research is concentrated on institutional and standard and legal aspects of realization of a phenomenon of national representation in Ukraine in the context of the ideas of parliamentarism, electronic democracy, competence-based and sociocultural concepts of public management, theories of democratization of electoral process. Agreeably, are considered pragmatical aspects of system ensuring appropriate level of national representation in power structures of Ukraine of all administrative levels by an institutionalization of local government. At the same time, the mechanism of enhancing the role of the institution of local selfgovernment is substantiated by including it in the parliamentary system as a separate structural element that will perform the functions of a “controller” of the level of national representation and a responsible mediator between the institutions of the state, business and civil society. Together, these aspects of the implementation of popular representation contribute to the formation of the information society as a social product of globalization.
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Про Схвалення Стратегії розвитку інформаційного суспільства в Укра- їні : розпорядження Кабінету Міні- стрів України від 15 травня 2013 р. № 386-р [Електронний ресурс]. Режим доступу :