


public administration, strategic management mechanisms, strategic management functions, corporate management, state joint stock companies, development strategy


The article analyzes the essence of the mechanisms of strategic management of state-owned joint-stock companies in the modern market economy. For this purpose, the main approaches to the definitions of “strategic management”, “management mechanism”, as well as generalized views of domestic and foreign researchers regarding the functions of strategic management are investigated.

Taking into account the fact that in state-owned joint-stock companies the subject of management act as authorized bodies of state power, which carry a longterm influence on the indicated companies, it is proved that under the integrated mechanism of strategic management of state-owned joint stock companies it is appropriate to understand the system of practical influence of state authorities on the development of joint stock companies public sector companies of the economy in order to coordinate and achieve the long-term goals of the main stakeholders of the partnership, in particular the state-Accident.

It is determined that the mechanisms of strategic management of state joint stock companies can be classified according to various features, but their mechanisms of strategic management on a functional basis are the important kind of present market conditions. The main mechanisms of strategic management of state-owned joint-stock companies on a functional basis are: strategic planning, organization, motivation, control. The characteristics of these mechanisms are given. It is emphasized that strategic management in state-owned joint-stock companies has a multilevel hierarchical character, which attaches particular importance to the ability of the mechanism of corporate management to ensure the realization of the rights of the state as the owner of the relevant business partnerships. Given the need to create conditions for the long-term competitiveness of state-owned joint-stock companies, the peculiarities of the formation of the strategy for the development of these companies, the strengthening of the role of supervisory councils and the formation of the institution of independent directors, the introduction of strategic audit mechanisms have been clarified. 


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