


archetype, individual, innovation, collective, logos, mythos, science, psychosocial type, social institute, universal epochal cycle


The article is devoted to the evolution of the social institute of science, its interrelation with social needs, the influence of the archetypes of individual and collective on the innovative activity of a scientist. It is proved that the basis of the development of modern as postmodern rational society is the phenomenon of innovation, which is produced by the social institute of science. In particular, we are talking about the fact that science can be considered in different contexts: as a specific system of special knowledge, as a system of social institutes that are oriented towards innovation, and as a search for truth. The socio- psychological nature of scientific knowledge is revealed, which is related not only to the individual achievements of the researcher, but also to the manifestation of the collective unconscious, in particular archetype-logos as an intangible cultural-historical result of the development of the social institute of science. An application of the national model of 'Universal Landmark Cycle' for the research institute of science, which allows considering the social institute of the natural logic of its cultural-historical formation and development. Based on the idea of the Frenchman Gilbert Durand on the existence of two classes of archetypes (logos and myths), the focus is on the two psychosocial varieties of the scientist (rational and irrational) and the results of their participation in the innovation process. The first ones are inclined to articulate innovative ideas, the source of which 'the inspiration' is archetype-logos, while others are naturally inclined to produce new myths, the source of which is the archetype-mythos. In conclusion, the article aims at conducting a special study of the evolutionary logic of the innovation process from antiquity to the present with the allocation of 'subject specificity' in this process of each of the socio-historical epochs. The task is also to determine the mechanisms of the interrelation of the individual innovative conscious and archetypal collective unconscious.


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How to Cite

Афонін, Е., & Мартинов, А. (2019). ARCHETYPE AS A SOURCE OF INNOVATION PROCESS. Public Management, (3 (18), 29-43.


