


public-private partnership, models, features, resources, risks, results


The purpose of the work. Justification of the signs and models of public-private partnership (PPP) and clarification of the conceptual and categorical apparatus of PPP research. Methodology. The research is based on a fairly broad scientific base, related to the understanding by many generations of scientists of such issues as the role of the state in economic development, forms of state regulation, state support and direct participation in the economy, the role of private parties in various sectors of the economy, freedom of entrepreneurship, the role of state – private partnership. The methodological basis of the research consists of the methods of analysis and synthesis, as well as the method of comparative analysis, combined into a complete methodology. Scientific novelty. The generalization of the features of public-private partnership on the basis of the analysis of various institutional and scientific approaches, regardless of belonging to one or another country, organization or scientific field, has been further developed to understand the meaning of public-private partnership, namely: pooling of resources, primarily financial, but not only (for example, technological); separation of risks and results; long-term nature of cooperation; contractual nature of the relationship; the public importance of cooperation in the form of the implementation of any infrastructure projects or the solution of strategic state tasks; lack of opportunities to solve tasks without such a partnership; efficiency compared to other forms of project implementation. The conceptual and categorical apparatus of the study was clarified by interpreting the essence of PPP as a long-term pooling of resources of public and private partners based on a written contract, with the fixation of the division of risks, responsibilities and results between them, with the aim of solving important state tasks and/or implementing infrastructure projects in the public interest , which cannot be effectively solved/implemented without the participation of private partners. Conclusions. Based on the analysis of various institutional and scientific approaches to understanding the meaning of public-private partnership, it can be concluded that regardless of belonging to one or another country, organization or scientific field, this type of cooperation between the state and private parties is characterized by the following features: pooling of resources , primarily financial, but not only (for example, technological); separation of risks and results; long-term nature of cooperation; contractual nature of the relationship; the public importance of cooperation in the form of the implementation of any infrastructure projects or the solution of strategic state tasks; lack of opportunities to solve tasks without such a partnership; efficiency compared to other forms of project implementation. One cannot agree with those who include any type of cooperation between the state and private individuals under public-private partnership. Such confusion will not allow to conduct an analysis of the forms of direct public-private partnership and draw conclusions about its advantages, disadvantages, effectiveness compared to other forms of cooperation, and to resolve issues related to its improvement. The existence of quite clear differences of public-private partnership from other forms of state cooperation with private actors, and even the presence of special historical and scientific prerequisites for its development, analyzed above, requires consolidation in the definition of these special characteristics.


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How to Cite

Негрич, М. М. (2024). CONCEPTS AND MODELS OF PUBLIC-PRIVATE PARTNERSHIP. Public Management, (1 (38), 54-60.


