economic policy, education, science, culture and art, religionAbstract
Purpose. This article aims to analyze the transformational changes in Ukraine during the war, focusing on economic, political (internal and external factors), and humanitarian aspects, including education, science, culture and art, and religion. Methodology. The research utilizes studies by modern Ukrainian scientists to analyze the economic, financial, intellectual, and psychological prerequisites for rebuilding Ukraine's economy in optimal terms, considering internal needs and external demand. The methodology includes content analysis, comparative analysis, and a systematic approach to examine the transformations in domestic and foreign policy, social spheres, and humanitarian aspects. Scientific Novelty. The scientific novelty of this work lies in its comprehensive approach to studying transformational processes in Ukraine during the war. The research covers not only economic and political aspects but also humanitarian ones, including education, science, culture, art, and religion. It identifies new approaches to economic recovery, integration with the European Union, and improving social conditions for those affected by the war. Conclusions. The article highlights the following key conclusions. 1. Economic and Financial Prerequisites for Recovery: Developing new mechanisms for rapid economic recovery, considering internal needs and external demand. 2. Political Transformations: Changes in policy include creating reliable security mechanisms, implementing a strategic course of EU integration, and active participation in European and global geoeconomic and geopolitical processes. 3. Social Sphere: Proposals for effective mechanisms to support families who have lost members, housing, and other real estate; determining possible privileges and benefits for combat participants and territorial defense members; creating suitable living and social conditions for orphans affected by the war; state support for low-income individuals through subsidies and increasing minimum pensions in line with the living wage. 4. Education and Science: The need to integrate EU standards and institutional mechanisms into the educational system and foster collaboration between academic and university science to achieve European and global scientific results. 5. Culture and Art: Information policy promoting the achievements of the Ukrainian people in the Russian-Ukrainian war as a tool of cultural policy. 6. Religion: Analysis of transformations in the religious sphere in the context of wartime and post-war reconstruction. Thus, the study encompasses a broad spectrum of transformational processes occurring in Ukraine during the war, offering new approaches and solutions for the country's recovery and development.
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