peasant as a social actor, peasant archetype, attributive features of peasant archetype, agricultural labor, human capital, globalization, Ukrainian societyAbstract
The analyzis of the existing theoretical approaches to the research of the attribuive features of the peasant archetype which determinate the social factors that cause the need to study the social reproduction of these features as the stimulus for the preservation, accumulation and use of human capital is prsented in the article. The author pays attention upon the disputable character of the problem that is connected with the identification the social status, the place and the social role of a peasant in the system of the contemporaty social relations and communications. It is argued that the political and economic transformation by the XX–XXI centuries have been caused the radical socio-economic changes in the rural culture and changed the peasant’s traditional way of life. Underlined that these circumstances one must have to take into account trying to obtain the relevant scientific evaluations of the prospects for the further development of the human resources in the rural communities. It was emphsized that at present time there is no exists the special sociological theory of rural culture, which corresponds to the global challenges of the new forms of management, and of the innovative changes in the territorial structures of the contemporary societies Therefore, the problem of the formation and the use of human capital in Ukraine requires innovative scientific understanding in the aspect of justifying the need in developing the new forms of business in the rural regions with the obligatory account of the progressive sociocultural experience. The importance of the conceptual reconstruction of the ideas by C. Jung, who in his studies proposed the definition of the attributive features of the peasant archetype was argued. The system of the social factors that determine the process of the sustainable reproduction of these attribute features of the peasant archetype especially in the mono-functional nature of the peasant’s labor is investigated by the author. Proved that such features of the peasant archetype as the ability for self-activity, calculation and belief in the ultimate efficiendy of own work, self-suppoting and informal care not only about the welfare of members of the family circle, but also about the security of other people in crisis time during the wars and catastrophes are the important social factors for the preservation, accumulation and the rational use of the human capital in Ukraine.
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