



state investment policy, investment companies, state investment activity, foreign capital, direct investments


The article examines the experience of the state investment policy in different countries of the world. The distinctive features of the state investment policy of foreign countries are presented. The ways of using the experience of the state investment policy of the countries of the world to improve the state investment policy in Ukraine are offered.

The urgency of considering the generalization of international experience in the direction of the formation of the state investment policy and the possibility of its use in Ukraine through the implementation of the reform of economic processes in accordance with European standards is noted. Based on the experience of countries such as the USA, China, Austria, the Netherlands, Great Britain, France, Germany, Japan and Georgia, the distinctive features and features of the investment policy models of these countries on the way to the emergence of an innovative economy are detected, and differences in the forms of regulation of the investment mechanism are identified.

The need to include in the state investment policy of Ukraine the basic aspects of the main goals and objectives of the investment policy of the new generation, which takes into account the latest trends and needs of the world economy, is noted. This aspect is necessary on the path of Ukraine to European integration and requires the application of globally relevant approaches and priorities to the development of state investment policy.

It is concluded that a similar sign in the regulation of investment activities in Ukraine and in foreign countries is the implementation of a large influence of integration processes on the state investment policy. The state investment policy of Ukraine should become the basic direction of the state economic policy and ensure the formation of effective mechanisms for attracting investment resources to the development of the national economy. All measures cited in the article should provide an opportunity to ensure transparency and efficiency of public investments, direct investment flows to priority sectors of the economy, and create a basis for enhancing investment activity in Ukraine.


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How to Cite

Богданенко, А. (2019). NTERNATIONAL EXPERIENCE OF THE PUBLIC INVESTMENT POLICY AND POSSIBILITY OF ITS USE IN UKRAINE. Public Management, (1 (16), 24-35. https://doi.org/10.32689/2617-2224-2019-16-1-24-35


