strategic communications, reform, digitalization, national target, influence, digital platforms, e-resourcesAbstract
In order to increase the effectiveness of reforms in the information society, digital platforms need to be used. Digitization of strategic communications will provide wider opportunities for participants in communication processes.
The task is set to justify the role of digitalization of strategic communications in the implementation of reforms in Ukraine.
According to the results of the 2017 study on several reforms, from 16 % to 37 % of citizens know and support change, from 30 % to 48 % know and do not support certain reforms. The proportion of citizens who do not have information on reforms ranges from 22 % to 47 %. The use of strategic communications will improve information and influence the attitude of citizens towards reform. In this case, we are considering the use of digital formats of strategic communications. Under digital formats we will understand, in particular, the e-platforms, within which the public authorities operate information that affects the reaction of stakeholders.
The task for strategic communications will be to engage support groups of influence; more effective use of digital platforms for intensification of communication; coordination of reports of public authorities.
Digitalization of strategic communications is manifested in the use of e-resources for the organization of interaction between government, citizens and business, and increasing the effectiveness of the state mechanism for social development. Digitalization of strategic communications in public administration is seen as the expansion of the potential of strategic communications through the use of information and communication technologies and tools. The use of a digital approach in strategic communications (e-resources to discuss the progress of reforms, evaluation of results, surveys, etc.) significantly intensifies communication processes and encourages more active stakeholder participation.
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