parliamentary opposition, European experience, democratic foundations, political conflictsAbstract
Problems related to the activities of the political opposition, its rights and the possibilities of influencing the state policy of the ruling elite, relate to those levels of resolution which largely determine the level of development of democratic processes in the country. This fully applies to the parliamentary opposition as a leading part of the political opposition. The article, which is intended for the attention of readers, just deals with the regulatory and legal support and practical activities of the parliamentary opposition in the countries of the European Union, whose experience is a clear example of solving this problem and should be started in Ukraine. Of course, given its specifics.
It is substantiated that the level of development of democracy is largely measured by the level of rights and opportunities provided by the opposition, in particular, the parliamentary opposition, the nature of the relationship between the authorities and the opposition, the level of legal and regulatory support for the latter. Unfortunately, it has to be noted that in Ukraine today the activity of political opposition, first of all parliamentary opposition, is not sufficiently regulated, and in this connection it makes sense once again to address the question of how it is solved in the leading democratic countries of Europe. It is noted that scientific analysis requires the question of the political and legal status of the parliamentary opposition in countries with different forms of government, and especially those in which its mixed model is implemented. Equally important is the issue of institutionalization of the parliamentary opposition. This, in other words, determines the relevance of the topic of the article.
It is noted that the political practice of developed democracies of European countries convincingly shows that providing the parliamentary opposition with the full opportunity to present and defend its position, alternative to the point of view of the current government, giving it the right not only to express and protect its own position, but also to take part in the development of the state policy at the stage of its formation, competition with the ruling political forces, control over their activities and criticism of its negative manifestations is a very important factor in the democratization of states good governance, stabilization of the political system, prevention of political conflicts, mitigation of social tension in society and consolidation of its integrity on a democratic basis.
The article is intended for public servants and students of the National Academy of Public Administration, as well as all other readers interested in political issues.
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