



lobbyism; lobbying; lobbying activity; legal regulation; bill; representation of interests


The article is devoted to a scientific search for the definition of lobbyism, which best describes the nature of this concept and was optimal for use in the further regulatory regulation of lobbying in Ukraine.

Starting his research from the account of the developments of foreign and domestic scientists, the author cites various approaches of researchers to the correlation of the concepts “lobbyism”, “lobbying”, “lobbying activity”. Based on the analysis of research of predecessors, the author's corresponding definitions are offered.

The term “lobbyism” suggests to understand as the mechanism for realizing the interests of citizens and society, functioning through the interaction of these groups with the government, in all its manifestations. Lobbying is seen as an effective manifestation of lobbyism, carried out within the framework of the normative- right field, realizing in practice the desire of pressure groups to influence state authorities, to ensure the interests of citizens and society in a law-abiding and accountable method. The lobbying activity in this context is the professional activity of the subjects of lobbying, it is carried out in the rule-making and public- management activities, which is aimed at the adoption by the state authorities of Ukraine, local self-government bodies of Ukraine, other subjects of power, their officials and officials, deputies of all levels, Solutions that meet the interests of the customer lobbying services.

Separate attention is devoted to manifestations of lobbyism and varieties of lobbying. The manifestations of lobbyism are classified by such criteria as: scale; direction of impact; export pressure and pressure for import; operating principle; speed reaction; duration of exposure. Types of lobbying, according to the author, are: lobbying of various social structures; departmental lobbying; regional lobbying; foreign lobbying.


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How to Cite

Яровой, Т. (2018). LOBISM: DEFINITION OF THE CONCEPT IN THE FIELD OF THEORETICAL-DISCUSSIVE FIELD AND NORMABLE PR. Public Management, (5 (15), 286-295. https://doi.org/10.32689/2617-2224-2018-15-5-286-295


