public administration, mechanisms of public administration, international organizations, security, energy security, global energy security, energy, fuel and energy sector, strategy, energy strategy, energy policyAbstract
The global energy model system is a complex and functional model of a multifaceted hierarchical type with different levels and scales of impact, which ensures the interaction between international unions, international organizational institutions and certain hegemonic states that influence the world’s energy balance and the stable functioning of global energy security. The study explores the theoretical basis of the international organizations’ strategic impact on the global energy security system from the standpoint of public administration, defines the main characteristics and types of international organisations and illustrates the examples of energy strategies of various international organisations in forming world’s energy security policy. The purpose of the work. Research on the place and role of international organisations and their impact on the structure of the global energy security model in the context of public administration studies field on the respective issues. Based on the results of the study, the author proposes a scientific and theoretical approach to the introduction of a mechanism for maintaining a stable state of functioning of the global energy security system. Methodology. The study is based on the substantial theoretical and applied basis of scientists and practitioners in the field of public administration and global energy security and their scientific approaches to the study of the role of international organisations in international energy policy. Furthermore, the methodological foundations of the study are systemic and structural, comparative, legal, logical and abstract methods, as well as analysis and synthesis. Scientific novelty. The study presents the theoretical concept of an international energy organisation in the sense of global energy security policy as a multifaceted organisational structure that implements personal mechanisms of transformation and preservation of its own energy security processes, which act to form the polarity of political interests of global energy at the relevant interstate levels of hierarchical influence. The need to introduce a mechanism for maintaining a stable state of functioning of the global energy security system in various accompanying energy issues to strengthen the energy architecture of the global security model is identified. Therefore, the mechanism of interstate symbiosis, which consists of creating a global platform for interaction between interstate institutions in the field of energy at the level of diplomatic and sectoral energy public authorities with the participation of representatives of international organisations that shape global energy policy within their hierarchy and weight of influence, was identified as a possible applied tool for scientific implementation. Conclusions. The result of the study identified the need to implement the mechanism for the maintenance of the stable state of functioning of the global energy security system in various related issues in the energy field to strengthen the architecture of the global energy security model. The possible instrument to achieve the said goal is to introduce interstate symbiosis, which consists of creating a global platform for interaction between interstate institutions in the field of energy at the level of diplomatic and sectoral energy public authorities with the participation of representatives of international organisations that shape global energy policy.
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