аgricultural enterprises, development of agrarian business, agriculture, goals and directions of state support.Abstract
Abstract. The purpose of the work. Determination of the goals and directions of state support for the development of agrarian business. Methodology. Theoretical, methodological and empirical research base. The theoretical and methodological basis of the research is the provisions of modern economic science, normative and legislative acts, monographs, periodicals, materials of scientific conferences of scientists and leading practitioners on issues of state regulation and state support of agrarian business. Abstract-logical, monographic, calculation-constructive, system-cognitive analysis, statistical-economic and other methods of economic research were used in the article. Scientific novelty. The definition of state support for small and medium-sized agrarian businesses has been improved, which should be understood as the system of organizational, economic, legislative and legal influences of state bodies of various levels on business units and provides for the creation of conditions necessary for improving the level and quality of life of the rural population, solving the task of harmonizing interests and the goals of society, business and the state in conditions of price disparity, the share of imports in the domestic market for some types of food. Conclusions. Reproduction of the main production funds by small and medium-sized agrarian business organizations is carried out in accordance with their development strategy and investment opportunities. The structural features and specificity of agricultural production complicate and slow down the process of reproduction of the main production funds. Ensuring the country’s food security requires significant resource and financial support for agricultural enterprises. The variety of features of the production process and the low investment attractiveness are due to the instability and high degree of risk of production processes in the agricultural sector, as a result of which there is practically a low efficiency of investments.
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